Saturday, December 13, 2008


The analogy of a square peg in a round hole has been giving me pause. It seems to fit in so many aspects of my life. The thing I wonder about is, who made the hole so round, and why am I such a square?

I believe that God made us all in his image. When I look around at the billions (?) of people on this planet I can’t help but notice that no two people look exactly alike. Think about that. If God is so big that a billion people can be made in his image and not look exactly like any one of the other billion, He must be bigger, greater, and more awesome than I can imagine!

I can only conclude that He made me who and what I am for a reason, and because of that I have only to seek Him, and His desire for my life.

Two things I am sure of. God makes pegs and holes in innumerable shapes, and if I am a square peg made in Gods image I had better get comfortable with it and start looking for a square hole.


Kiki said...

Incredible thoughts, Brad. Are you becoming a theologian?

Unknown said...

Love it.
p.s. why don't you look any older?

Sharie said...

What about identical twins or triplets?! Just wondering.... from another square peg. Love ya!